The Ideal Exhibition

September 12 – December 1, 2019

The Ideal Exhibition is a project that reflects on the notion of perfection from the positions of an artist, a curator, a visitor, and the philosophical concept of the sublime, as well as on the problem of balance between the possible and the desired. We are constantly searching for the ideal. It is an unattainable condition, which leaks through breaches, cracks and crevices in a form of anomalies, sparks and obscure manifestations. What is the ideal? Is it possible to achieve it or does it constantly change — together with our desires and interests? The quest for original curatorial approaches and artistic strategies poses questions about what an ideal exhibition is, whether it is possible at all, and what its feasible conditions are. Naturally, each individual has their own ideal exhibition in mind, thus there is no perfect space for it, that is why the project is not concentered in a single space but is scattered around various — sometimes very unexpected — locations. We are searching for the ideal via a Telegram channel, interviews with artists, curators, viewers, and through interventions in public spaces. Besides this, the exhibitions of other Biennial projects also provide material for this research.

The project is available here.

Svetlana Usoltseva, Assistant to Curator: Evgeny Kutergin